There's a pesky little bug in the kitchen! And it's not just any bug - it's a HEXBUG¨ nano¨, scuttling around the game board! Quick - can you catch it in the trap? By turning knives, forks and spoons you can direct the bug into the trap. Throw the die to discover which utensils you can turn. Catch the bug in the trap and earn a token - the first player to collect 5 tokens wins the game. A fun-to-play family game suitable for 2-4 players, aged 6 years upwards. Average playing time 20 minutes
Suitable for ages 6 years +
Safety Information:
Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.
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Suitable for ages 6 years +
Safety Information:
Warning. Not suitable for Children under 3 years.
Additional Information
Feature1: |
Fun to play family game |
Feature2: |
Catch the bustling little bug |
Feature3: |
Use the knives, forks and spoons to try & trap him |
Feature4: |
First to collect 5 tokens wins the game |
Feature5: |
Includes HEXBUG nano |